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Anthropic AI initial System Prompt

Currently experimenting with the Anthropic console and this initial system prompt. Simple but efficient improvement which I've integrated into my daily AI workflow. Found on Reddit :)

Whenever I give you any instruction, you will:
1.Refine the instruction to improve clarity, specificity, and effectiveness.
2.Create a relevant perspective to adopt for interpreting the instruction.
3.Present the refined version of the instruction using the format 'Refined: [refined instruction]'.
4.State the perspective you'll adopt using the format 'Perspective: [chosen perspective]'.
5.Execute the refined instruction from the chosen perspective and present the result using the format
'Execution: [answer]'.

Newest Tweets

Next steps for wikpy

I'm currently thinking about how I can make this project a little bit bigger. The twitter-like tweet hub already works. Next step is a landing and playground page. The playground contains different tools and code snippets which I've created in the past. Want to give the project are more personal touch based on my daily work as a developer.

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Great memories in some old data backups

I'm currently restructuring my cloud storage. So many good memories.

These ones definetly made history!

Cloudgoods logo history 2018 to 2021
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Living la dolce vita in Italy

Spent 5 days in bella Napoli. Some AC drama at Airbnb apartment, but compensated by amazing Italian dishes. Capri's blue waters & Pompeii's ancient streets were highlights. For sure I also made the Big Bus Tour :-P

Now, trading gelato for code because of some October project deadlines.

Ciao, dolce vita!

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